
Piratery Update: Short Indian Ocean Piratery

Our earlier pirate investing analysis stressed the importance of avoiding oil routes, places with heavy security presences and places with significant competition. The competition in the Indian Ocean is such that pirate entrepeneurs often have to settle for second rate targets which puts sigificant downward pressure on booty margins. See this CNN report titled "U.S. destroyer chases down suspected pirate ship." For those investors who did not heed our advice and thought it was wise to buy a few speedboats and rocket propelled grenades from Omar on the Bozaruto Islands, well, you just blew your children's college fund. Explain that one to little Timmy.

The U.S. Navy boarded an apparent pirate ship in the Indian Ocean and detained 26 men for questioning, the Navy said Sunday.

The 16 Indians and 10 Somali men were aboard a traditional dhow that was chased and seized Saturday by the guided missile destroyer USS Winston S. Churchill, said Lt. Leslie Hull-Ryde of U.S. Naval Forces Central Command in Bahrain.

Sailors aboard the dhow told Navy investigators that pirates hijacked the vessel six days ago near Mogadishu and thereafter used it to stage pirate attacks on merchant ships.

Recommendation: Increased pillaging of dhows is a classic indicator that the local pirate market off the Somalian coast is over-saturated. We recommend a Short position on those markets as they are likely to experience an increase in pirate captures and a decrease in local booty margins. This would be a great time to jump into Latin American Pirate Bonds which are currently yielding a juicy and robust 29%.